4. Subject area of researchLife experience says that knowledge of a complex fact does not exist in the form of a single whole, but exists in the form of simple fragments, including formulas. Such fragments are associated with other, pointing to more complex facts, up to the complete whole. Thus, a simple fact becomes one of the meanings of the complex, from which, in turn, you can go back, that is, without loss(!) extract all the meanings of the original fragments, which would confirm the newly understood monotony. Similarly, the complexity of the description given in the form of formulas of the new language should lead only to complication, concretization of the meaning, but not to its distortion or loss, which should guarantee the synthesis algorithm formulated further. To achieve this, we will associate a fragment of the formula with two components: the obvious value behind which the construction of some technical system will stand, as well as with the meaning and ultimately - with far from obvious behavior. Abstraction for such technical systems here and will serve as discussed below AND - or system. For them, a new procedure of interpretation in the form of an experiment will be defined, where for the first time the concept of time implied for any kind of behavior will be introduced. But even refusing until the very end of the work from the concept of time, we can speak not about the behavior itself, but about some of its characteristic features - the essence of static formalisms, correlated with structures. Peilim that connects new understanding of "interpretation" and what will continue to work: to the field of interpretation will be the main unenigmatically object – AND-OR-the system formed by their structure and behavior-here called the basis of the system of the armed forces, and characteristics (KHCH) behavior; new formula - those are valid expressions of the language AND systems that adequately define your values - design (fundamentals) the specified systems however, the formulas themselves are divided into meaningful, that is, those that can be attributed to the (XH) behavior of these systems, and meaningless-for which it is impossible to do it within the framework of the language and-or systems if the full formula is understood, then the mental fragments of its parts are the essence of "simplification of the full" meaning expressed here through (XH behavior); that is why the expression of such a fragment can be said to be true false, that is, contradictory expression - the one that in this context leads to the loss of meaning, to the General " obessmyslivaniyu"; this means that a new understanding of truthfulness does not characterize a single expression, but only together with the context in which it is used Thus, the new formal system will be developed in the form of language AND systems and its semantics, explaining the relationship between the formal definition of systems and experiments on them.
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